What We Do

The Creatio Experience
Our world is filled with distractions that can pull us away from relationship with other people, ourselves, God, and reality. We seek to lead experiences that bring participants out of "the world" and into a life a pilgrimage to help restore these relationships.
A Path to Beauty
We lead with the beauty of creation to facilitate an encounter with Beauty; the Creator. Day hikes, back country backpacking trips, and pilgrimages are the vessels that we take to Him.

Let beauty spark wonder in your soul. Experience the profound power of beauty to transcend the humdrum of daily life and propel you into deeper fulfillment.

Challenge yourself to grow deeper. Discover how by pushing the body to its limits, our souls are forged stronger. Allow the difficulty of adventure to forge your body and spirit into something stronger than it was before.

Reconcile the fundamental relationships: with God, with yourself, with creation, and with others. Encounter true community with fellow pilgrims and form relationships that teach us about the heart of God. See how life truly is a journey.
“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” - T.S. EliotLearn More →
"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul." John MuirLearn More →
Create your own adventure
Create your own adventure
“Beauty will save the world.” Fyodor DostoyevskyLearn More →