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El Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage

with the Diocese of Green Bay

About This Trip

Each year, the Camino de Santiago attracts thousands of pilgrims who traverse the ancient network of pilgrim trails that make up the Camino de Santiago seeking an experience of healing, transformation, and self-discovery. The rhythm of this pilgrimage fuses adventure with mystery, as each day is filled with historic churches, beautiful scenery, good food, and of course, a very long walk. On the Camino, strangers become friends, life becomes simple, and hearts become open. 

Registration Deadline: Saturday, September 30, 2024


Price:  $2,199

Location:  Spain

Date:  October 31-November 10, 2024

Type:  Pilgrimage

Difficulty:  Moderate

Skills Required:  Walking - high milage 

Skills Acquired:  Hiking, Backpacking


  • All lodging
  • Transportation from Santiago Airport to Starting Location (Triacastela)
  • Creatio Guides


  • Personal Gear (available to rent)
  • Transportation to and from Matrid
  • Somemeals (particularly lunch)



What does the average day look like on the Camino?

Here is what an average day on the Camino with Creatio looks like:

05:30 Wake-Up
06:00 Packed and Ready
06:10 Team Prayer - Walk 50min
07:00 Breakfast
08:00 Silent Hour - Begin Walking
15:00 Arrival @ Destination
15:00 Shower / Wash / Rest
17:00 Mass
18:00 Community Meal
19:00 Dialogue
20:30 Rest

Lunch - OYO - Recommended to snack lightly

Where will I sleep?

The value of a good night’s sleep can’t be overstated, and we’ll be sleeping indoors in alburgues, dorm-style rooms.

Typically there are metal-framed bunkbeds with plastic-covered mattresses (easiest to sanitize and keep free of bedbugs). You’ll want a lightweight sleeping bag liner, sleep sheet, or some kind of cover, but you do not need a traditional sleeping bag.

Most albergues provide a pillow, but you can also improvise with your gear (stuff sack filled with laundry?) We do not advise bringing a pillow from home.

Do I need to know how to speak Spanish?

Learning some basics will always be helpful (agua, cerveza, baño, pan,...) , however shopkeepers and our hosts tend to know enough “Camino English” to communicate basic ideas and understand simple requests.

When in doubt just point at the thing you want, smile, and hold out your hand with a few Euro in it for them to take the correct amount (they’ll quickly let you know if you don’t have enough cash available, and are unlikely to ‘overcharge’ you)

Do I need to Train for this?

We highly advise training as much as you can before this pilgrimage! This will allow you to more leisurely enjoy the Experience. There’s not much you can do to prepare for walking 20 miles per day ... other than walking 20 miles per day.

However, every bit of prep helps and you should start letting your body know it’s going to have some work to do. If you have been pretty sedentary (who, me?) start by walking a few miles at a time in the same socks and shoes you plan to wear on the Camino. This will give you a chance to test them out and make adjustments in advance of your arrival in Spain.

If you are seriously strapped for time, a training hack we like to do is walk on a treadmill with a weighted pack at incline for a mile or two at a time. Crank up the speed if you really want a challenge.

Eventually you may also want to toss your pack on, add some weight and head outside. You can dial in the weight and balance/adjustments of your pack, and get your feet ready to carry the extra pounds. Plus, when your neighbors see you wandering around with your pack they will suddenly think
you’re more interesting (or more weird) than they did before.

packing list

  • Backpacking Pack
  • Good Hiking Shoes
  • Rest Shoes For Not Walking (Sandals) 
  • Water Bladder or Bottles
  • Outlet Adaptor
  • Toiletries
  • Sunglasses and Sun Hat
  • Sunscreen
  • Appropriate Hiking Clothing
  • Prayer Materials

    *A full list will be included in your participation guide


(10 Nights, 8 Days of Walking)

Day 1 (Oct 31): Arrive in Madrid. Travel to Villafranca

Day 2 (Nov 1): Villafranca del Bierzo to O Cebreiro (18.0 miles)

Day 3 (Nov 2): O Cebreiro to Samos (20.2 miles)

Day 4 (Nov 3): Samos to Sarria (9.2 miles)

Day 5 (Nov 4): Sarria to Portomarin (13.7 miles)

Day 6 (Nov 5): Portomarin to Palas de Rei (14.9 miles)

Day 7 (Nov 6): Palas de Rei to Ribadiso (18.6 miles)

Day 8 (Nov 7): Ribadiso to O Pedrouzo (13.7 miles)

Day 9 (Nov 8): O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela (12.4 miles) 

Day 10 (Nov 9): Santiago de Compostela -- return to Madrid in the evening OR next morning 

Day 11 (Nov 10): Fly home from Madrid



start your adventure